The overseas trade – the fundamental information
• Costs – the money is the aim of selling products. Each dealer wants to make money thanks to offering the items. What is more, if you would like to purchase the item from different region you need to pay for shifting the product to your home town.

• Products transferring – it is the second most significant thing in the overseas trade. For this reason, the international transport has evolved. The shipping companies make a use of another means of transfer to ship the products to the customer directly or to the workplaces of the organization which will sell the product on various market. The most common transport means are planes (they are one of the most costly and the quickest means of transport; they are applied to transfer the products for a long length, for instance from the USA to Europe), trains (they are applied in short –distance transportation up to one thousand kilometres) and lorries (they are used primarily in Europe where here are great highway connections)
• The beginning of the things is various than the destination place – it is the best attribute of the trade. When it comes to Europe, individuals transfer the largest amount of items from asian countries, from countries including India and China. What is more, the authentic items are recognized by uniqueness and high excellence.