Entering the Russian market: what is important before that step is taken?
10th October 2018
Russian Federation is an important country on the economic map of the world. That is the reason why a lot of lands decide to export some part of their goods there. But they have to know that in Russian Federation different standards can be in operation.

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The GOST-R derives from the standards which were announced decades ago in the Soviet Union. After deciding about leading the product into eastern market, the first issue ought to be the research, if that product complies with the mandatory certification proceedings. It pertains to the medical, electronic and different goods that deal with people’s safety. It is the biggest part of all the goods that are being sold in the area of Russia. GOST certification might be obtained for big industrial production or just a line of particular product. Second version of that standard is not mandatory, but is useful in case the safety criteria are imprecise or not specified. To finalise it, the appropriate documentation have to be filled and delivered to the authorized bureau. Many businesses decide to pass the certification process to expand to eastern lands. They know that it is really profitable. Even though the process requires some tedious tasks, it is worth trying – chiefly that there are people who can help with all the GOST certification path. The enterprise does not need to do it completely by itself.
To start selling products in Russia, some formal procedures need to be fulfilled. Due to that, the export can be extended to another country – the big land. It can raise the overall profit in a remarkable way.